Mobile Apps War – Google Introduces Analytics for Mobile Apps
Shortly after Microsoft announced their intention of invading the mobile market with their newly developed Windows 8, we have Google upping the ante with its Analytics for mobile apps. The iPad was pretty lonely up there at the top with their tablet which seemed invincible, and untill Microsoft made its move, totally alone.

Google Analytics for Mobile Apps
The Internet has made people reach for unthinkable solutions, and the madness has increased when the phones went on air. Everything from a car to a piece of toast now is a click away. Nobody is complaining, and the mobile manufacturers and the app designers are living their dream. They are fashioning practically everything except the shower stalls and the boot lockers in to the mobile phones.
Information now is available for apps
Google Analytics is releasing the beta version of the tool, which incidentally is free, and this apparently helps the users to analyze their apps performance. The Google Analytics Product team Manager Jiajing Wang told media personnel that the information was out there, but brining it all together was difficult. More mobile phones and more apps meant that the market was becoming ripe for Google Analytics.
Google Analytics is for the market on the web, the way everything is being bought and sold online. Keeping track of the apps helps one to be with the changes and reach the action scene much before the market explodes. According to Flurry Analytics, more and more people were spending time on their mobile apps last year. This is obvious by the way Google is investing in its mobile research and development bringing out the Google Glass. The Nexus 7 followed and people were taking a second look at the Google as an option for their mobile applications.
Economic aspect of Google Analytics’ move
Since the aim of keeping up with the Android market seemed predominant just some time back, this migration towards the mobile apps zone seems uncharacteristic of Google. Google provides metrics for Android and for iOS. The Apple app makers are benefitting as much as the Android developers.
The aim of the whole game seems to be pointed at that point in time when the developers will become inseparably dependant on Google Analytics. Then they will probably go commercial with the entire thing. Wang confirmed almost the same thing when he said that he wanted to make Google Analytics available for marketers to be able to access all the information.
About the Author:
Daniel Ruyter and his firm, Alpha Tree Marketing, specialize in navigate the online marketing minefield.
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[…] an added bonus, there’s even a mobile app for analysing mobile apps! Check out Google’s Mobile Analytics for Mobile Apps that will allow the user to analyze the performance of their downloaded […]